Monday, September 16, 2013

More about our costume contest!

For anyone that knows me, it is no secret that I am a little obsessed with Halloween. I love a good costume and if it is homemade, even better! I love Halloween so much that my family decided to throw my husband and me a Halloween themed baby shower. Jackson was due in November so the timing could not have been more perfect! 

My husband and I dressed up as skeletons. And as a side note my husband drew and cut out all of our "bones" and even drew baby doing a handstand! Makeup was courtesy of me (and a really great youtube video!) Warning: we are a little scary! ;) 

Josh and me (and baby!) 
close up of baby doing handstands in my belly
I am not big on shower games but my mom bought onesies in 12 month size so everyone could decorate a Halloween costume for baby next year. We didn't know the gender at this point (we were surprised at his birth) so it was fun to see what everyone was going to draw. All of our guests got REALLY into this part of the shower and had some great ideas. I fully plan on Jackson wearing one each day in October and I will take a picture every day to document. 
Onesies waiting to be decorated with the directions
Some of the creations hanging up.
This idea got me thinking that it would be fun to do a costume contest at the store as well! My mom came up with this cute little poem.

It’s time to excite
Dress up and beware
A princess or dragon
Hmmm- what should they wear?

Kelly and Jackson have a contest
Oh, what fun this will be
Never a better time for a little e / s / p!

Purchase a shirt - we will register your name
And give you instructions of what’s involved in the game

Here is a hint of what we will do
A picture we’ll post of your ghoul or your boo
Get your supplies and create your best
Please be a part of our costume contest!

Vote for your favorite-join in and play
       A winner they’ll be… and a great give away!

After you purchase a shirt, for just $5, you will receive these additional instructions: 

Please decorate this shirt for our costume contest-- use markers, stencils, iron-on designs… whatever you wish! After you are finished, take a picture of your little one wearing the shirt and email it to no later than October 15th! We will post all entries on Facebook on October 16th for everyone to vote. Voting will be completed on October 25th and whichever pictures gets the most “likes” will win a Halloween themed goodie basket! The winner will be announced on October 28th! Happy costuming!

So hurry in before October 15th! I know we have lots of creative customers and I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with. We also have some really cute items to go along with our Halloween theme. 

Happy costuming!


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