How many diapers will I need?
This is another question that I get asked a lot! The number really depends on how often you are changing your baby and how often you plan to wash. During the newborn days babies poop.... a lot. You are changing them just about every 2 hours and you are changing them in the middle of the night before/after feedings. This leads to about 12 diaper per day. As they get older, they are not going as often and can usually go longer between changes. Here is a good chart to help you decide how many diapers you will need:
Age Wash Daily Wash every 2 days
Newborn- 6 months 10-12 diapers 20-24 diapers
6-12 months 8-10 diapers 16-20 diapers
12-24 months 6-8 diapers 12-16 diapers
potty learning 2-4 diapers 4-8 diapers
Also, remember that cloth diapering doesn't have to be "all or nothing." A lot of families will start out using cloth during the day and still use disposables at night until they are able to build up their cloth diaper stash. While building a stash of cloth diapers can be pricey at first- it will save a lot of money in the long run! Of course, this is just a general guesstimate as to how many cloth diapers you will need. It may vary from family to family.
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